The Fatima Century: Lethal and Blessed


National Catholic Register, 9 May 2017

The centenary of the apparitions at Fatima invites us to look back at 1917, a year in which an old world order gave way to a new, more lethal one.

The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima are well known to be linked to St. John Paul II and the peaceful defeat of communism. That, combined with Our Lady’s prophecies about the First and Second World Wars, gave Fatima an unusual focus on the events of our time.

What might be called the “Fatima century” has been dramatic for more than just Soviet communism. The year 1917 shifted the religious landscape of the global order in ways that are still shaping global affairs.

The Fatima apparitions do not address all of those shifts, but it is noteworthy that Our Lady would appear at a moment of enormous religious upheaval in the affairs of nations.

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