While Americans declassify China info, the Liberals keep hiding it

National Post, 23 March 2023

Trudeau is now in the name-calling “racist” phase of his own Chinese election interference scandal, suggesting that Canadians who raise an eyebrow at foreign communist support for his party have hatred in their hearts

When President Joe Biden meets Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa this week, perhaps they might discuss de-classifying sensitive intelligence related to China.

In the United States, that means disclosing what American intelligence services knew about the origins of the coronavirus in the Wuhan virology laboratory. In Canada, it means not disclosing what our security services knew about potential Chinese regime support for the Liberal Party of Canada. To the contrary, in Canada the RCMP is looking into a potential prosecution of leaks about Chinese communist support for Trudeau’s party, Trudeau’s constituency association and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau foundation.

On the American side, the U.S. Department of Energy concluded that the covid virus likely was the result of a leak from the Wuhan virology lab, not natural transmission.

The energy department holds its position with “low confidence.” The FBI also holds the lab leak theory. Four other U.S. agencies — there is a veritable alphabet soup of intelligence agencies — still hold the natural transmission theory, while two others are undecided.

Faced with all this, the House of Representatives passed, 419-0, a bill to declassify all intelligence materials on covid origins. The Senate also passed it unanimously. Biden signed it into law on Monday.

Thus Americans will, within months, know what their intelligence services knew about any Chinese complicity in developing and spreading covid. They will likely discover more about any relationships between the American National Institutes for Health and the Wuhan lab controlled by the communist regime.

It’s quite a remarkable turnaround from the early days of the pandemic, when not a few voices claimed that it was racist even to call it the “Wuhan virus,” or to suggest that the Chinese regime may have been responsible, accidentally or negligently, for its spread.

This is of more than passing interest north of the border, for Trudeau is now in the name-calling “racist” phase of his own Chinese election interference scandal, suggesting that Canadians who raise an eyebrow at foreign communist support for his party have hatred in their hearts.

There is a covid angle to Chinese interference in our elections. Recall that in the earliest days of the pandemic, Trudeau and the National Research Council (NRC) signed a deal with a Chinese vaccine company, CanSino Biologics, which involved, as Post columnist Diane Francis put it, “a sweetheart deal to transfer Canadian intellectual property needed to create vaccines for Ebola and SARS-CoV-2 to the Chinese.”

The objections even then were several. Why work with China, which at that time had kidnapped the Two Michaels and held them for over a year? Why give China power over Canadian vaccine supply? Why trust the Chinese regime at all when they may have been covering up the origin and spread of the virus?

Then there is the still mysterious story about the sudden removal in 2019 of scientists Xiangguo Qui and Keding Cheng from the vaccine development and antiviral therapies section at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. That lab collaborated with the Wuhan lab. Their removal, just months before the virus began circulating in Wuhan, was due to “policy breaches.” Whatever they did, the federal government was eager not to say much about it.

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