Advent Antiphons - Introduction

The days of Advent from 17th – 23rd December have a special character as we intensify our preparation for the great feast of the Lord’s Nativity. There are several subtle shifts in the liturgy to signify that Christmas is drawing close. One of them is the chanting or recitation of the “O Antiphons”.

At Vespers each evening the antiphon for the Magnificat is taken from the Prophet Isaiah, employing the different titles that he assigns to the Messiah who is to come. O Wisdom, O Sacred Lord, O Root of Jesse… these are the “O Antiphons”. You may be familiar with them as they also appear as the verse before the Gospel at daily Mass. More likely, you have encountered them in the verses of the much-loved Advent hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

I have prepared a series of short video reflections on these O Antiphons to accompany these last days of preparation for Christmas.

AdventNewman House Manager