Catholic Principles and Practices in Time of Pandemic

National Catholic Register, 16 March 2020

Now that there is time to make sober adjustments, pastors might find creative ways to publicly continue the prayer of the Church.

The speed with which coronavirus protocols had to be implemented late last week led to an understandable — and unavoidable — confusion. That confusion even hit the highest levels of the Church in Rome, with two senior cardinals in a very public conflict. And Pope Francis himself got involved.

But now with a few days to reflect, some principles and practices are emerging.

 Prayer Is Not Canceled but Continues

While public gathering for worship and prayer may be canceled, worship and prayer are not canceled. To the contrary, they should be intensified.

That’s not just a scriptural reality: “Pray constantly” (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Christian Standard Bible); “from the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised” (Psalm 113:3; New American Standard Bible). It’s also a civic reality in the United States. President Donald Trump declared Sunday, March 15, a national day of prayer, quoting the Scriptures: “Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7; King James Version); and “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).

The pilgrimage of Pope Francis on Sunday to two important Roman shrines — Salus Populi Romani at St. Mary Major and the miraculous crucifix at San Marcello al Corso — emphasized that the prayer of the Church continues.

Therefore, while it is useful shorthand to say that “Masses are canceled,” more detailed communications should stress that Masses are not canceled, but the participation at them by the faithful in large numbers is canceled. Everywhere where the public participation of the faithful has been prohibited, priests are still expected to offer the Holy Mass privately.

Now that there is time to make sober adjustments, pastors might find creative ways to publicly continue the prayer of the Church. Prayer at home is, of course, always possible and necessary. The Church in Italy has a Twitter hashtag: #iopregoacasa — “I pray at home.” But prayer outside the home in holy places also should continue, respecting public-health requirements.

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