It could be that Pope Francis simply prefers to see no enemies to the left. Yet there are other explanations.
Read MoreAfter the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine was free. Now the bear and the fox are back. St. John Paul II’s Slavic heart is breaking in heaven.
Read MoreCatholics should take seriously Francis’ letter on Trump’s ‘mass deportations.’
Read MoreThe rhetoric of the Trump administration, rather than the reality of deportations, has changed.
Read MoreThe newly retired Church leader’s greatest contribution was his work as the principal drafter/editor of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Read MorePope Francis, on Jan. 11, became the third pope to be given the highest civilian honor in the U.S.
Read MoreThe celebration of the restoration of France’s famed cathedral is happening on the same weekend as a consistory of new cardinals at the Vatican, providing an intriguing juxtaposition rich with symbolism.
Read MoreBoth Jewish and Catholic commentators were taken aback by the inclusion of John 8:44, a biblical phrase used for centuries to disparage Jews as children of Satan.
Read MoreHenry, who retired as the Catholic bishop of Calgary in 2017, died on Tuesday
Read MoreCardinal Ayuso was not a well-known figure, even in Rome. But he was at the center of an important story for nearly 20 years.
Read MoreAdvent comes, a new year beckons. Jubilee 2025 awaits. But after the turmoil of the past year and other points in the current papacy, Rome shows much weariness and little vitality.
Read MoreThe dogmatic constitution on the Church, released 60 years ago, is notable not only for what it taught, but how it taught it.
Read MoreDefinitions of synodality have finally been offered in the synod’s final report, including everything and leaving nothing out.
Read MoreThe ‘Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification,’ signed by the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation, was joined by 2017 by the World Methodist Council, the Anglican Consultative Council, and the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
Read MoreFather Timothy Radcliffe’s suggestion of foreign influence on African bishops during the Synod recall Cardinal Kasper’s contentious statements from a decade ago.
Read MoreWhether viewed from starboard or port, the HSS Synodality is sinking. How many are now ready to abandon ship?
Read MoreOriginally ridiculed by many as a “meeting about meetings,” the Synod on Synodality never managed to demonstrate that it wasn’t.
Read MorePope Francis’ recent intervention in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has created a new and surprising dynamic.
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