Sick of Work

Excess in any area does often compromise health, so I am not surprised that there are bad mental health outcomes from the idolatry of work. Interestingly, though, “workaholic” remains an ambiguous term, sometimes even complimentary, in a way that “alcoholic” is not.

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Missing the Mark on Clean Prosperity

My general intuition about carbon taxes is that they are the most simple, neat economic instrument to reduce carbon use, if that it is the policy goal. But in a country where the federal government just dropped billions to buy a pipeline it can’t build, the idea that the government is capable of something simple and neat is rather fanciful.

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Just Imperfect Justice

We are reaping today the harvest of decades when allegations were routinely dismissed to protect the accused’s status. So, if the price today is that allegations see the light of day that perhaps should not, it is recompense for those long years when allegations that should have seen the light of day did not.

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Heroes, by the grace of God

Blessed Pino’s feast on the vigil of John Paul’s is a reminder of the message of Veritatis Splendor: namely that baptism makes us capable of following Christ, even to the threshold of martyrdom. Blesseds Pino and Jerzy demonstrate that.

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