The cry of dereliction from the cross - Jesus praying Psalm 22 - becomes a song of praise for the congregation present on Calvary Hill.
Read MoreAncient Israel was protected from the plague of death by the blood of the Passover lamb, marked on their doorposts and lintel. If our hearts and souls are marked with the blood of Christ, we, too, shall be saved.
Read MoreA meditation by St. John Fisher, Bishop and martyr: While we were not present for the first Good Friday or Holy Thursday, through contrition of our sins and pursuit of virtue we become sharers of this eternal sacrifice.
Read MoreAt the heart of the church is the altar - the table of sacrifice - where the eternal sacrifice of Jesus takes place. In our homes, is there room at the table for Jesus?
Read MoreThe house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment (John 12:3). We might ask ourselves: How does my house smell? Or better, what fragrance fills my house this Holy Week?
Read MoreBiblically, Holy Week is a time of visiting homes. What kind of reception will you give Jesus when he visits your home?
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